
CARINHOSO – CD OUT NOW! Find out more via this link.

CARINHOSO means: Lovingly, Liefdevol
Because we love Brazilian music so much!
We focus on the accoustic repertoir, from bossa nova to the sweet melodies of Samba Cancao, with the atmosphere of a relaxed Rio Cafe,
Which doesn’t mean that there is no room for spontaneous energetic rhythms that invite to dance.
When we play, there are people who listen,people who sing along and people who dance, tap, clapped etc. that is the exact experience we hope to give you.
Depending on the situation, you can listen to the rich harmonies, beautiful melodies that brazilian-oriented music brings about.
You can go for the different emotions of this music.
You can also recognise some famous standards and hum along.
And last but not least:Carinhoso gives you the opportunity to feel the rhythm and dance CARINHOSO can sound intimate and subtle,with nice three-voiced arrangements.

“My love of Brazilian music began at the age of 11 with an old cassette that I played over and over again:
Side one was the soundtrack of the film Orfeu Negro, Side two was the music of Baden Powell I was bewitched by the wonderful sound of the language, the beautiful melodies and exciting rhythms.
I sang along, copying the sounds I heard.
Later when I went to the conservatory and had lessons from Josée Koning in Brazilian music, this love grew deeper and stronger.
After my trip to Rio I knew I had to make a CD, a tribute to “Musica Popular do Brasil.”

Bodhi Sykora

Carinhoso performs as a Trio:
Bodhi Sykora: Vocals and small pecussion
Marco Antonio Sanchez: Guitar and Vocals
Edson Gomes: Percussion

As a 4-tet: a basguitar is being added: Jura Gomes.

Starting March 1988



Through years of working together these ‘best friends forever’ have developed a tight and unique sound.
 Each of the singers brings a very different sound and character of voices which results in a big variety in dynamics, colour, range and repertoire.

The repertoire consists of own compositions as well as classics, in contemporary arrangements.
Their interests are rooted in jazz, but over the years have grown into many branches, such as blues, latin and soul.

Inspired by the best vocal groups like Lambert Hendricks & Ross 
and the early Pointer Sisters, they like to make close harmony sound direct, with a ‘dirty’ edge.

 SHOOTING STAR always performs with top musicians, from one guitarist to a grooving band.

 “We hate close harmony, but love to sing together!”


Yvonne Mandigers, 
Harriet Middelhoek, 
Bodhi Sykora